

Facing Mortgage Issues in Syracuse

Many lenders have scaled back the amounts and types of loans they are offering, leaving homeowners forced into mortgages that are troubled or that are nearly impossible to afford just to purchase or retain their homes.

At New York Lawyers Team, our lawyers focus on handling bankruptcy and other debt-related issues. We represent the interests of clients in New York who are dealing with mortgage issues, are seeking debt relief through bankruptcy and facing ever-accumulating debt.

Mortgage Issues in Syracuse

When speaking with our clients, we find that there are many different types of issues they may be having with their mortgages. Clearly every client's individual situation is unique, but we do face some issues fairly often. These include:

  • Subprime mortgages
  • Adjustable rate mortgages (ARMs)
  • Foreclosures
  • Mortgage frauds
  • Refinancing (For those who are finding it impossible to refinance because they are now "upside down" on their mortgages)
  • Short sales

Syracuse Loan Modifications Lawyers

To deal with mortgage issues, it may be possible to negotiate with the lender to secure a modification to your loan. This involves following a very specific set of criteria in order to qualify for the modification. A skilled attorney like those at New York Lawyers Team can help you with this difficult process. Also, keep in mind that even if a modification is obtained, you must still pay your mortgage, just on different terms. Having a lawyer on your side throughout the loan modification process can ensure that your rights are protected and your best interests are being served.

Contact Our Experienced Attorneys

To learn more about how you can deal with a wide range of mortgage-related concerns, bankruptcy or other debt relief options, please call us today for a free telephone consultation or contact our lawyers by filling out our online form.

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